COACHELLA 2017 -- Are you ready?

Here we are, just a few weeks away from Weekend One of Coachella 2017....are you ready?

Don't worry, we've got you covered with some tips to make sure you have the most amazing time. 

Water, water.... did we mention water?

We can't stress this enough, drink tons of it. It's always best, as a precaution, to bring more than you think you'll drink, especially if you're camping. This extra water will be helpful if the weather gets a bit warm. 

Don't forget the shades

It's probably a good idea to get a new pair just for the event, in case you lose them! Style is great, but it is so important to protect your eyes. Thankfully, guitarjustice has you covered. Check out selection of sunglasses here

Keep things cool 

It can get very warm. The last thing you want is to overheat and have to leave the experience. Be smart, stay cool by wearing a cute crop top with some shorts. For guys, tanks are obviously the best way to stay cool. Check out these cool all over-print and graphic tanks.

Fanny packs; use them! 

You're going to be moving and dancing non-stop, the last thing you want (especially in the heat of the day) is to lug around a heavy backpack. Fanny packs are the best choice to keep your things nearby, without something holding you down and overheating you.  

We're sure you'll have a blast at Coachella 2017. Just be smart, plan ahead and take these essential to make sure you have the best time of your life. 


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